Lancaster County Republican Party Constitution
Amended March 14, 2023, in Lincoln, Nebraska
Name and Objectives
Section 1. Name. The name of this organization shall be THE REPUBLICAN PARTY OF
LANCASTER COUNTY, NEBRASKA (herein referred to as the “Party”).
Section 2. Objectives. The objectives of the Party shall be the maintenance of government of, by
and for the people, according to the Constitution and laws of the United States and the State of
Nebraska, the expansion of membership, and the recruitment of individuals for elective and
appointive office.
The membership of the Party shall be composed of all registered Republican voters of Lancaster
County, Nebraska, who desire to support the objectives of the Party.
Organization and Government
When in session, the County Convention of the duly elected Delegates shall be the governing body
of the Party, and when such Convention is not in session, the County Central Committee
(hereinafter referred to as “Central Committee”) shall be the governing body.
Section 1. Time, Place, and Purpose.
A. Spring Convention (Even Years). A Spring County Convention shall be held in Lincoln,
Nebraska in even numbered years. The Party shall conduct a County Convention between March
1st and April 10th at an hour and place to be designated by the County Chairman. The voting
delegates of the Spring Convention shall be:
(1) Those persons who filed as candidates for delegate to the Spring Convention pursuant to
state law who are still living in the precinct they were elected to represent at the time the
Spring Convention is held.
(2) Those persons duly elected as delegates, who no longer live in the precinct they were
elected to represent, are eligible to register on a priority basis for an open slot in the precinct
in which they now live if there is an open slot.
B. Fall Convention (Odd Years) and Other Conventions. In addition to its first meeting at the
Spring Convention, a County Convention shall be convened during September in odd-numbered
years to elect a County Chairman, Secretary, and a Treasurer, and to conduct such other
business as may properly come before it. A County Convention may also be reconvened upon the
call of the County Chairman or the Executive Committee at any time prior to the date for the
election of delegates to the next Spring convention. The voting delegates of any reconvened
convention shall be:
(1) Those persons elected pursuant to state law for the Spring Convention who are still living
in the precinct they were elected to represent.
(2) Those persons duly elected as delegates who no longer live in the precinct they were elected
to represent are eligible to register on a first priority basis for an open slot in the precinct
in which they now live if there is an unfilled slot.
Section 2. Powers and Duties of Convention. Delegates at a County Convention may formulate
and promulgate a county platform declaring the principles on which the Party stands, may adopt
convention resolutions expressing the opinion, will or intent of the Party, exercise such other
powers as are ordinarily vested in conventions, and transact such business as may properly come
before it. County platform changes and convention resolutions may be adopted by a majority of
delegates present and voting.
Section 3. Representation.
A. County Conventions. The County Chairman, with the consent of the Executive Committee,
shall fix the representation in all County Conventions for the various precincts of the County based
on the votes cast for the Republican Candidate for President of the United States at the last
preceding presidential election, and shall make appropriate public announcement of such action at
least thirty days prior to the last day candidates for delegate are permitted to file applications for
election as provided by law. In cases of new precincts, the representation shall be made based on
the number of registered Republican voters in the precinct. Each precinct shall be entitled to at
least two delegates regardless of the number of votes cast.
B. State Conventions. Upon receipt of the call for a State Convention, the State Central
Committee shall apportion the delegates to be chosen from Lancaster County among the legislative
districts contained wholly or partially within Lancaster County upon the basis of the votes cast for
the Republican Candidate for President of the United States at the last preceding presidential
election, and shall make appropriate announcement of such action at least ten days before the time
of holding the Spring County Convention. Each legislative district shall be entitled to at least two
delegates regardless of the number of votes cast. The State Central Committee may provide that
not more than ten percent of the delegates to the State Convention shall be chosen at-large. The
number of alternates and the apportionment thereof shall be the same as delegates.
Section 4. Election of Delegates.
A. County Conventions. Delegates to the County Convention shall be elected by the qualified
Republican electors of their respective precincts, in the manner provided by law. A list of county
convention delegates shall be made available by the Party upon a request made by a delegate.
B. State Conventions. Delegates and alternates to the State Convention shall be elected at each
caucus of delegates to the Spring County Convention from their respective legislative districts
within Lancaster County, to be held at such County Convention. No delegates or alternates to the
State Convention shall be elected without having given an indication of a willingness to attend
said State Convention, but no such delegate or alternate need be in attendance at the County
Convention in order to be considered for election as a delegate or alternate to the State Convention.
In the event that delegates and alternates at-large are to be elected, they shall be nominated from
the floor of the convention.
Section 5. Election of State Central Committeemen and Committeewomen. The State
Committeemen and Committeewomen shall be elected by their respective state convention
delegates at the Spring Convention.
Section 6. Selection of County Chairman’s District Representatives to the State Central
Committee. Unless some other method of selection is specified in the Constitution of the Nebraska
Republican Party, all County Chairman’s District Representatives to the State Central Committee
shall be appointed by and serve at the discretion of the County Chairman. The County Chairman
shall be a voting member of the State Central Committee, and if upon election, the County
Chairman is not a voting member of the State Central Committee, then the County Chairman shall
remove the District Representative from the State Central Committee district in which the County
Chairman resides and the County Chairman shall be appointed as the District Representative from
that State Central Committee district. District Representatives shall be appointed by the County
Chairman and shall serve until their successors have been appointed or until removed by the
County Chairman. If any vacancy, by removal or otherwise, shall occur in a State Central
Committee seat held by a District Representative, the County Chairman shall appoint a successor.
Section 7. Voting.
A. Unit Rule Abolished. At all conventions, each delegate shall be entitled to register his or her
individual vote, and it shall be unlawful to attempt to bind any delegate by any party or convention
rule requiring the delegates, from any political subdivision to such Convention, to vote as a unit.
B. Proxies Abolished. The authority held by delegates to the County Convention, by reason of
their election, shall be deemed personal in its nature and no such delegate may by power of
attorney, proxy, or in any other way authorize any other person in his or her name or on his or her
behalf appear at such County Convention and cast ballots therein or participate in the organization
and transaction of any business at such Convention.
Section 8. Order of Business and Notice. Except as otherwise provided herein, the order of
business at all Conventions shall be determined and announced by the County Chairman at the
beginning of the Convention. The order of business so announced may be altered by the vote of
sixty percent of the delegates voting thereon. The Party shall cause to be published, at least 21
days prior to the date of the county convention, an official notice of the date, time, and place of
the convention.
Party Administration
Section 1. General Management. The general management of the affairs and business of the
Party shall be fixed by the Executive Committee subject to the direction of the Central Committee.
In turn, the Central Committee shall be subject to the direction of the County Convention delegates.
Section 2. County Central Committee.
A. Membership. The Central Committee shall consist of the members of the Executive
Committee as defined in Article V Section 7A, State Central Committee members elected or
appointed to legislative districts either wholly or partially located within Lancaster County,
Auxiliary Group Representatives, Legal Counsel, and all other individuals appointed by the
County Chairman with approval of the Executive Committee.
B. Duties. The Central Committee shall be the general policy making body of the Party when a
convention is adjourned and shall meet at least semi-annually. The County Chairman, who shall
be the presiding officer at such meetings, shall call meetings of the Central Committee.
C. Auxiliary Group Representatives. The Executive Committee may approve the representation
of auxiliary groups within the county. Each approved auxiliary group shall be entitled to one
representative on the Central Committee to be selected by the organization. It is the responsibility
of the organization to notify the County Chairman as to the identity of their representative.
D. Meetings.
(1) Required Meeting. After the adjournment of the Fall County Convention and within 30
days, the County Chairman shall convene a meeting of the Central Committee at a
convenient time and place to be designated by the County Chairman. Such meeting shall,
as the first order of business, designate the organizations entitled to representation upon
the Central Committee, complete the required party organization, make available a list
containing contact information of all executive and central committee members, and take
any other proper action it deems necessary.
(2) Other Meetings. Meetings of the Central Committee, in addition to the meeting otherwise
prescribed, may be called by the County Chairman, or shall be promptly called upon a
written request of not less than one-half of the Central Committee members. All Central
Committee meetings shall be held in Lancaster County.
(3) Notices. The County Chairman, or some other person to be designated by the County
Chairman, shall provide an emailed notice of the time, place and agenda of a meeting to
each member of the Central Committee at least five (5) days prior to the meeting. Notice
of special meetings shall set forth the purpose and agenda of said special meeting. It is the
responsibility of all executive and central committee members to provide a current email
address to the Secretary.
(4) Quorum. The presence in person, by not less than a majority of the number of duly elected
members entitled to vote, shall be requisite for and shall constitute a quorum at all meetings
of the Central Committee for the transaction of official Party business. Duly elected
members shall be the County Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and the number of state
central committee members elected at the Spring Convention.
(5) Attendance. Duly elected members of the Central Committee shall attend all meetings.
Central Committee members may request an excuse in writing from the County Chairman
two (2) days prior to the scheduled meeting. The request shall include the reason for the
absence. The County Chairman shall present the request to the Central Committee for
approval at the scheduled meeting. An unexcused absence from two or more meetings may
result in dismissal from membership of the Central Committee.
E. Disbursement of Funds. The Central Committee shall have the power to approve the
allocation, budgeting and disbursement of funds as shall come into the Party’s possession.
Section 3. Required Officers.
A. Titles. The Central Committee shall include the County Chairman, Vice Chairman, County
Chairman’s District Representatives, Secretary, Treasurer, Legal Counsel, and each shall be a
voting member of the Central Committee. A District Representative shall be appointed by the
County Chairman for each legislative district either wholly or partially located within Lancaster
County, pursuant to Article IV, Section 3.
B. Election. Such officers, unless they were previously elected by the County Convention, shall
be selected by the County Chairman subject to approval of the Central Committee.
C. Powers. Such officers herein, shall have the powers and duties usually incident to their
respective offices, subject to the direction of the Central Committee and the County Convention.
D. Personnel. The County Chairman shall have authority to hire an Executive Director for the
Party, subject to the approval of the Central Committee, and to hire such assistants and office
personnel as may be required, subject to budgetary limitations.
Section 4. Terms of Office. The terms of both the officers and members of the Central Committee,
other than those members elected at the Spring Convention, shall be approximately two years, and
said terms shall terminate upon the conclusion of the Fall County Convention.
Section 5. Removal from Office. Any officer or member of the Central Committee or Executive
Committee may be removed from office upon the recommendation of the Executive Committee
and concurrence by a majority of the Central Committee for inadequate performance of duty or
conduct detrimental to the best interests of the Party.
Section 6. Standing and Special Committees.
A. The Finance Committee shall be a standing committee. The County Chairman shall appoint a
Finance Chairman subject to the approval of the Central Committee.
B. The County Chairman shall have the authority, with the approval of the Executive Committee,
to form and appoint three additional standing committees and the Chairman thereof, as
circumstances may warrant.
C. The County Chairman shall have the authority to appoint additional special committees and
chairmen thereof, but such special committee chairmen shall not have additional voting
representation on either the Executive or Central Committees.
D. At the discretion of the County Chairman, a Booster Club to financially support the activities
of the Party may be established.
Section 7. Executive Committee.
A. There shall be an Executive Committee, which shall consist of the County Chairman, Vice
Chairman, County Chairman’s District Representatives from each legislative district either
wholly or partially located within Lancaster County, Secretary, Treasurer, Legal Counsel, the
immediate past County Chairman, Auxiliary Group Representatives, and Chairmen of the
Standing Committees, not to exceed a total number of four standing committee chairmen as
selected by the County Chairman.
B. Duties. The duties of the Executive Committee shall be:
(1) To carry out the directive and policies of the County Convention and the County Central
(2) To act as the governing body of the Party when neither the County Convention nor the
Central Committee are in session provided however, that any action taken by the Executive
Committee may be overruled by the Central Committee; and,
(3) To perform such duties and carry out those responsibilities as established by law, the
Constitution of the State Republican Party, and by this Constitution.
C. Meetings. The Executive Committee shall meet at least once every three months at a time and
place directed by the County Chairman. The Executive Committee shall meet at such additional
times as deemed necessary by the County Chairman and shall also meet upon the written request
of not less than one-third of the members of the Executive Committee. A three (3) day notice in
writing shall be given to Executive Committee members of meetings.
D. Attendance. Executive Committee members shall attend all meetings. Executive Committee
members may request an excuse in writing from the County Chairman two (2) days prior to the
scheduled meeting. The request shall include the reason for the absence. The County Chairman
shall present the request to the Executive Committee for approval at the scheduled meeting. An
unexcused absence from two or more meetings may result in dismissal from membership of the
Executive Committee.
Section 8. Budget and Finance Committee.
A. The Budget and Finance Committee shall consist of the County Chairman, Vice Chairman,
Secretary, Treasurer, Legal Counsel, the Budget and Finance Chairman, and additional members
as selected by either the Budget and Finance Chairman or the County Chairman.
B. The duties of the Budget and Finance Committee shall be: (1) to solicit and receive financial
contributions for the use of the Party; (2) prepare and keep detailed accounting records as may be
required by state and federal law; (3) prepare for a timely filing of all reports, receipts, and
disbursements as may be required by state and federal law; and (4) prepare an annual budget
document for all proposed expenditures of the Party.
C. Within the last quarter in each calendar year, the County Chairman shall present the annual
budget for the upcoming year to the Central Committee members for their review, amendment,
and adoption. Thereafter, the Executive Committee shall have authority to modify the budget with
a two-thirds vote, and notice shall be given within two days to the Central Committee of the
modification. The Central Committee may override such modification via email by a majority vote
within two days.
D. Within 45 days after the Fall Convention, the County Chairman shall call a meeting of the
Budget and Finance Committee to be held within Lancaster County at a time and place designated
by the County Chairman. Other meetings of the Budget and Finance Committee may be called by
the Budget and Finance Chairman as needed, and upon the written request of not less than one-
third of its members shall be called within seven days.
Section 9. Precinct Organization. As may be reasonably practical, there shall be one Precinct
Coordinator for each precinct, to be appointed by and serving at the pleasure of the County
Chairman. It is encouraged but not required for a Precinct Coordinator to reside in the precinct he
or she represents. Duties of the Precinct Coordinators are those established and set forth by the
Executive Committee. The County Chairman may convene Precinct Coordinators as a group at
least once a year.
Section 10. Vacancies. A vacancy in the position of an Officer or Central Committee member
shall exist upon the happening of any of the following events: (1) receipt of a letter of resignation,
(2) death, (3) ceasing to be a resident of Lancaster County or the district from which elected, (4)
failure to be duly elected, (5) conviction of a felony while in office, or (6) an officer is appointed
to or becomes a candidate for a high elective public office, as defined by state statute. When the
County Convention is not in session, any vacancy on the Central Committee shall be filled in the
following manner:
(1) If the vacancy is for an elected Central Committee member, then a caucus of the state
convention delegates for the vacant district position shall be held within 30 days to fill the
vacancy. If the vacancy is for the County Chairman, then the Vice Chairman shall serve as
acting County Chairman until a Central Committee meeting is convened within thirty days
after the vacancy has occurred. The vacancy of the County Chairman shall then be filled
by the Central Committee for the balance of the prior County Chairman’s term. If there is
a vacancy in the Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, or other position not specifically
mentioned herein then an appointee shall be selected by the County Chairman subject to
approval of the Central Committee for the balance of the prior officer or member’s term.
(2) If the vacancy to be filled is for a representative of an affiliated organization, it shall be
filled by the members of the organization within thirty days after notice thereof is given to
the presiding officer of the organization. If the organization fails to fill the vacancy within
that time, it shall be deemed to have failed approval by the Executive Committee and the
vacancy shall cease to exist.
Candidate Endorsements
Section 1. The Party, including its officers and staff, may endorse a Republican candidate seeking
a federal, statewide, legislative, multi-county, county, or local political office for political
subdivisions geographically connected to Lancaster County in a contested election if a request for
endorsement is made by the candidate seeking endorsement and the endorsement is approved by
a two-thirds vote of the Central Committee. In the absence of a request for endorsement and a two-
thirds vote of the Central Committee, the Party including its officers and staff shall be prohibited
from endorsing and financially supporting said candidate in a contested election. Contested
Election shall mean an election in which two or more Republicans are seeking the same political
office in either a primary, special, or general election.
Section 2. The Party including its officers and staff shall not endorse a non-Republican candidate
in an election in which a Republican is a candidate. Any officer or member found to have violated
this provision may be removed from their office or committee and a vacancy shall exist if a
majority of the Central Committee members vote to remove said officer or member.
Section 3. Endorsement shall mean: (1) a public display or statement of support either by print,
electronic media, or a written statement; or (2) a reported campaign contribution. Materials created
and distributed for the purpose of increasing voter turnout including but not limited to door-to-
door distribution of Republican candidate literature, shall not be a prohibited endorsement.
Financially supporting shall not include resources made available from the Republican National
Committee through the State Party and the Party to all Republican candidates including but not
limited to mobile canvassing applications, walk lists, call lists, or data.
Section 4. Nothing in these sections shall restrict the Party including its officers and staff from
endorsing a Republican candidate in an election at any level when he or she is the only declared
Republican candidate seeking that office.
Nominations for Candidates and Vacancy on Ballot
Section 1. All nominations for Republican candidates in any Lancaster County office to be filled
at a special election, or any other office to be filled by the electors of Lancaster County, which are
required by the provisions of Chapter 32 of the Revised Statutes of Nebraska, as amended, shall
be made by a majority vote of a quorum of the Central Committee in the manner provided by law.
The County Chairman shall call a meeting of the Central Committee to be held at a place
designated by the County Chairman within such time and in the manner provided by law. The
County Chairman shall cause the certificates of such nominations to be properly filed.
Section 2. Unless otherwise provided for by law, should a vacancy occur for any Republican
candidate in any Lancaster County office for any cause before any election, such vacancy shall be
filled by a majority vote of a quorum of the Central Committee. The County Chairman shall call a
meeting of the Central Committee to be held at a place designated by the County Chairman within
such time as to allow filling of the necessary certificates with the proper officers in the manner
provided by law, and the County Chairman shall cause such certificates to be properly filed.
Rules of Order
At all meetings provided for herein, the rules of order shall be Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly
Revised. Any proposed bylaws shall be adopted in accordance with the provisions of Robert’s
Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
This Constitution may be amended by any County Convention with a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those
present and voting. This Constitution may also be amended by the Central Committee but only if
a quorum is present and at least three-fourths (3/4) of those present and voting vote in favor of the
proposed amendment. Such vote by the Central Committee shall be taken at a Central Committee
meeting called specifically to consider such amendments, and a written copy of the proposed
amendments together with any section proposed to be deleted, shall accompany the notice of such
meeting. The next subsequent County Convention may suspend such amendment if a motion is
made and adopted by a majority of the delegates present.
All previous constitutions of the Republican Party of Lancaster County are hereby repealed.
(Approved at the Lancaster County Convention, September 3, 1981)
(Amended at the Lancaster County Convention, June 25, 1984)
(Amended by the Lancaster County Central Committee, July 25, 1991)
(Amended by the Lancaster County Central Committee, October 20, 1992)
(Amended at the Lancaster County Convention, June 27, 1994)
(Amended at the Lancaster County Convention, September 8, 2005)
(Amended at the Lancaster County Convention, September 8, 2011)
(Amended at the Lancaster County Convention, June 3, 2014)
(Amended at the Lancaster County Convention, April 7, 2016)
(Amended by the Lancaster County Central Committee, February 9, 2020)
(Amended at the Lancaster County Convention, September 22, 2021)
(Amended by the Lancaster County Central Committee, October 21, 2021)
(Amended by the Lancaster County Central Committee, April 21, 2022)
(Amended by the Lancaster County Central Committee, March 14, 2023)